Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Vague Post

So, my spring break flew by so fast I'm questioning whether it actually happened or not.  I left with grand dreams of extreme productivity ... and then I was met at home with happy hugs and the realization that there truly are only 24 hours in the day and I have not discovered that I possess any superpowers ... yet.  BUT - I was able to nail down my summer plans (update soon!), reconnect with friends, practice piano, voice and guitar a little and sew some new things for my Etsy store!  Looking back, I guess it wasn't a bad break after all.

Also, I am absolutely loving this free download from Noisetrade!! I had some writing to do and the new music made the time fly.  I think my favorite is the 2nd track - Slow Your Breath Down.  It's so peaceful and relaxing ... I just want to curl up and listen to it all day :)

I'm sorry, but the rest of  this post is going to be incredibly vague ... but it will all make sense in due time, I promise!

This week I was blessed with the opportunity to spend two hours mentoring and pouring God's love into six special third and fifth graders.  My first "mistake"* was asking them if they had any questions about anything that they may have heard in any of the previous lessons.  This brought up the typical questions ...

What did Jesus look like?
What would it be like if Jesus was around today?
What did Jesus sound like when he talked? 

And one that really made me think before I answered ...
How does Jesus talk to us today?

Now, this seems like it could be easy to answer, but it caught me off guard and got me thinking.  I mean, the answer seems obvious - through the Bible, through others, through dreams and visions, maybe even through an audible voice  ... but how do you explain the last one remaining: the "still small voice".

That voice is not heard through the ears, but felt on the heart.  

It's when you woke up this morning only to realize that you didn't cringe at the idea of something ... or maybe that you despised something that you once loved.

It's when you sense that you should talk to a stranger at the grocery store.

It's that wave of guilt and shame when you're alone and acting on temptations.

Perhaps the most common way that God speaks to us .. . but yet, for me anyways, it can be the most challenging to hear!

Those dear fifth graders unknowingly reminded me of something that is absolutely necessary to growing spiritually ... it's not my intention in any way to come across as being haughty or holier-than-thou.  If anything, I'm hoping that I can pass along this wisdom that I learned.

So, I am going to try to be extra intentional about making sure that I am taking more time in the next seven days to listen to God's voice.

Keep listening!

*By mistake, I mean that I didn't know what can of worms I was opening!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Awkward Moment #02

The day started out like any other day.  A mini-heart attack caused by my loud alarm on my phone.  Tripping over my guitar case as I leave my room.  Black Coffee because I'm too tired to think to put milk or sugar in it.  Rushing to class because I didn't leave when I wanted to.

But it's okay, I was right on schedule to arrive at my 8:00 at my standard 8:01.*

Through the glass doors I see some one getting ready to leave.

In a grandiose gesture, I fling the door open

Due to the ice, I slipped and went along with the door

I let out a rather unladylike noise.  Something between a squeal and a grunt.  Is that even possible?  I used to wonder, but no alas, no longer.

So I'm done opening doors for people.  I'm sorry ... I tried.
I hope this is my last post about doors!

Be safe out there ...

*Hey, at least I'm consistent ... and I'm pretty sure there's a rule somewhere that you are only late if you arrive after your prof calls your name during attendance.

Monday, March 3, 2014

the most wonderful and dastardly dreadful productivity thing ever

Okay, so I my already busy life has been complicated lately by a little something called the Internet.  I swear,  I could spend hours on it.  It's becoming the milk to my cookie, the cheese to my cracker, the olive to my oil ... you get the picture.  We spend a lot of time together.  But, now all of that is going to change!

What's that you say?
How could this be?
I'm glad you asked ....

I present to you Stay Focusd!

This is a chrome plug-in/extension* thing that only allows you to spend a certain amount of time on whatever time sucking websites you use.  Unfortunately, this only works if you use Google's Chrome browser.  But you should download it and use it because it is awesome :)  Plus you can download AdBlock and get rid of those stupid ads on your Facebook ... not that that really matters anymore because I won't be spending much time on Facebook.

It's super easy, and you can only find it in the Chrome web store ... all you have to do is click the little +Free button and you're in.  Now, you have to add your  list of websites in the box.  Goodbye facebook, etsy, and pinterest ... I love you all.

I increased my time from the standard 15 to 30 minutes.

And of course they guilt trip you about increasing your time :)


But when you do reach your time limit, at least they're nice about it ...

Bam!  So that's all there is to it.  Lent is starting tomorrow ... and if you happen to be limiting or giving up Facebook, I would recommend this to you!  Especially if you don't trust yourself :)

Good luck!

*sorry, I'm not tech-y enough to know the difference
**StayFocusd is not giving me compensation in return for saying nice things about them, I promise!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Can February March?

Hey, remember me?  I'm still here, I promise!  The past three weeks have been a whirlwind of tests, picking up extra hours at work, and most importantly: practicing ... i swear my fingers twitch in their sleep :)  But I am a survivor ... and I can't believe that only two weeks of classes are between me and spring break!

I'm sitting here drinking Chai tea, listening to the Les Misérables soundtrack, and looking out the window at our latest snowstorm ... this lazy Sunday afternoon is perfect for blogging!  I was thinking about writing about how I fail at time management, or how social media is ruining females' perception of beauty, or how I am stricken with wanderlust ...but I thought I would ease back into blogging with a list of things that I am excited about in March!  :)

I'm seeing Les Misérables live!! For those of you who don't know, they came out with a movie version of this in 2012. Basically, it's a depressing musical depicting poverty during the French Revolution. Well, technically it could be considered an opera because the story is told through song ... but the music is incredible :)

I applied to be a CA (community assistant, aka resident assistant in other colleges).  I had an interview, job shadow and I have a group interview this Friday!  The job shadow was really helpful because I got to see all sides of the job.  I don't know when I will find out if I got the job, but I think my chances are good :)

I can't wait for weather like this:

I want to run through a field of wild flowers wearing white clothes and waving lightweight bed sheets!  Who's with me?  But instead, we're stuck with below freezing temps.

Alas, I'm forced to ask for extra buffalo sauce on my wrap and drink large amounts of tea and hot chocolate.  It's a struggle, I know :)

Most importantly, I can't wait for spring break!  I'm not doing anything crazy ... just spending time with my family, boyfriend and friends!  Oh, and I hope to sew a lot of doll clothes for my Etsy shop.  Besides, I can't even imagine going to the beach in March ... It sounds too c-c-c-cold!

So that's my list, it sounded a lot more impressive in my head!

Thanks for reading, and don't worry ...

Sorry, I couldn't help it ... 
Hang in there - spring is coming :)